A few years ago I made a decision that was going to change the direction of my life. While closing a chapter on my professional career, I decided to take a road trip before heading back home to Florida. That road trip changed me.
When it was time to go back to the real world and get a job, I advanced in my career swiftly but something felt different. I had no desire to work 10 to 12-hour work days for a salary paycheck. I just felt that we were meant to do more than work, retire, and die. I wanted more.
I knew there was more beyond the life I was presently living from the outside; everything appeared fine, but I was dying on the inside.
I started designing t-shirts expressing what was happening around me and how I felt about it. Each shirt has its story. I
I know there are others out there who can relate to coming to a crossroads and choosing to make a change.
The brand Optimistic Stielz is created on the foundation that we Dream to live and live to dream. We are following our dream one hat, one shirt, and one hoodie at a time. And hopefully with your help we will continue to dream and inspire.